Triple-Wick Signature Collection
Triple-Wick Signature Collection
Our Signature Collection candles are a tribute to the essence and spirit of America, crafted to evoke the diverse landscapes, traditions, and emotions that define this great nation. Each fragrance is thoughtfully chosen to capture the heart of iconic moments and places—from the soothing embrace of a mountain morning to the comforting warmth of a rustic kitchen.
Hand-poured in small batches with our premium Soy-Coconut wax blend and infused with phthalate-free, American-sourced fragrances, these candles embody both artistry and authenticity.
Let the Signature Collection bring the soul of America into your home, one exquisite scent at a time.
Each candle holds up to 17 ounces of wax and triple wicked with our zinc free wicks.
All our Triple Wick Containers are poured to order and are subject to a 3-5 day handling time (plus shipping).
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